v0.09 Update

Yup yup, Epigenesis v0.09 is up! This update involves a fair number of class and mechanic changes. Going over each one would take too long, so here's the highlights:

  • Preliminary Character and Crew sheets have been added! They are currently Google docs, but I hope to get them into a more favorable format. Soon. Probably.
  • A fair number of Class changes.
  • Contact Competencies and Complications have been added to better flesh out the Contact system. This codifies ways in which each Contact can aid the player characters, as well as potential complications they have that can serve as plot hooks for the GM.
  • NPCs now have their own Basic Attack and Grab Moves. Previously, NPCs shared the same Basic Attack and Grab as PCs, but this went against the general design philosophy of NPC Moves. Specifically, how NPCs' Moves generally had no effect on Graze and Whiff. This should bring them more in line with other NPC Moves.
  • I'm still working on Duelist, Witch, and Marshall (formerly Puppeteer), I swear.

I had hoped to include Subclasses in this update. However, I felt that they needed a bit more time in the oven. Likewise with setting and lore, which need some touching up. I hope to have something good for you soon, though!


Epigenesis Core Rules v0.09.pdf 831 kB
Feb 22, 2022

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